AmigaActive (1297/2143)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:17 May 2000 at 20:39:37
Subject:Re: What Software


On 17-May-00, you wrote:

>>> Right, you have a 50 quid software voucher. You can only use it to
>>>> get Amiga software, and you can top it up if necessary.

>>> What would you buy?

> Oooh, good question. Myself; it would be the wonderful Candy Factory
> Pro (just testing the normal Candy Factory and it is amazing!) which
> is £35, the last of it, ummm, probably some Quake conversions to put
> to good use on my PPC Amiga :)

Productivity scores another vote. Interesting that the PPC is being
used mainly for games software, I wonder why that should be?


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

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